4 Weeks old

Male 1

Male 2

Male 3


Just born | 1 week old | 2 weeks old | 3 weeks old | 4 weeks old | 5 weeks old | 6 weeks old
E-mail for more information about the pups:
Nancy Koper

Previous La
Grazia Di Dio
El Mesquital Hanna x Virgo Delle Principessa De I Giacchini
Olga di Castrignano x El Mesquital Vespucio
La Grazia Di Dio Affinity x Ch El Mesquital Zac
Victoria/Tory x Ch El Mesquital Zac
Victoria/Tory x Max Steel Castrignano
Olga Castrignano x Molock di Re Manfredi
Victoria/Tory x Achille
Victoria/Tory x Black
La Grazia Di Dio Joline x Diuk
Ch. Stella x Ch. Fauno Degli Elmi
La Grazia Di Dio Chiara di Stella x Ch. Fauno Delgi Elmi
Stefany x Chiaro E Tondo Joekel
Ch. Stella X Ch. Federico Dei Re Di Roma
Stefany X Italian & Vice
World Ch. Bayron
Ch. Stella X Italian & European Ch. Ettore
Stefany X StoneCroft's Timber
Ch. Stella
X Youth World Ch. Bayos Dei Silvanbull
Delilah X Ch. Ciro
Delilah X World Ch. Goliath's Warrior Délano
Nancy Koper
Matera - Italy
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