Puppy pictures:
Just born | 1 week old | 2 weeks old | 3 weeks old | 4 weeks old | 5 weeks old | 6 weeks old
Kamikaze is born in our home. He's from the litter Leone x Olga,
which we did after years of searching for that perfect male for Olga and
especially to find a male that would make this combination give us a perect male for our Goldie.
Over the past years, Kamikaze has proven to be very successfull on shows,
with many 1st places and he was the BOB at the SACC Raduno in 2022 with 50+ dogs present.
He's a very active and loving dog. Standing still is not really for him.
His favorite hobby is playing with me or his sister Havana.
Goldie is also born in our home. She's from the litter EM Hanna Bella x Virgo DPDIG.
We did this combination due to Hanna being a granddaughter of EM Kit, son of Bellabionda.
Virgo is the son of It.Ch. Fuoco, son of Baronessa. Baronessa and Bellabionda are sisters.
The type of Goldie, comes from Fuoco and mostly the 2 sisters and their mother.
After Goldie was born, the search started to breed that perfect male for her,
from which Kamikaze is the result.
We also showed Goldie several times. She created her own little fanclub among breeders.
However she's not really happy at shows. She needs her space. So we decided to no longer show her.
Goldie is a big girl, maximum size for a female. She loves to chase little lizzards all day.
In a few words. This is a combination we have been working on for over 5 years.
It's clear that we bred this litter for ourselves,
to have a female from to continue our selection with in the future.
Both Goldie and Kamikaze are very typical Corsos in both type and character
We expect typical pups with a very strong balanced character
The Cane Corso does not resemble Boxer, Bullmastiff, Broholmer, Great Dane or............
The Cane Corso resembles Cane Corso and we are happy that through the years we have become very close friends with Massimo and Tomassino Castrignano and their old original rustic Cane Corsos, so that also we have the chance to breed this magnificant breed the way it was meant to be
Since we breed to preserve the original fearless strong character, these pups might not be for everybody. Experience is a must.
For more information contact us at

Previous La
Grazia Di Dio
La Grazia Di Dio Chicca x Neymar Dell'Antiqua Apulia
Olga di Castrignano X Leone Dei Volsci
La Grazia Di Dio Chicca X El Mesquital Vespucio
El Mesquital Hanna Bella x Virgo Delle Principessa De I Giacchini
Olga di Castrignano X Leone Dei Volsci
El Mesquital Hanna Bella x Virgo Delle Principessa De I Giacchini
Olga di Castrignano x El Mesquital Vespucio
La Grazia Di Dio Affinity x Ch El Mesquital Zac
Victoria/Tory x Ch El Mesquital Zac
Victoria/Tory x Max Steel Castrignano
Olga Castrignano x Molock di Re Manfredi
Victoria/Tory x Achille
Victoria/Tory x Black
La Grazia Di Dio Joline x Diuk
Diuk x La Grazia Di Dio Chiara di Stella
Ch. Stella x Ch. Fauno Degli Elmi
La Grazia Di Dio Chiara di Stella x Ch. Fauno Delgi Elmi
Stefany x Chiaro E Tondo Joekel
Ch. Stella X Ch. Federico Dei Re Di Roma
Stefany X Italian & Vice
World Ch. Bayron
Ch. Stella X Italian & European Ch. Ettore
Stefany X StoneCroft's Timber
Ch. Stella
X Youth World Ch. Bayos Dei Silvanbull
Delilah X Ch. Ciro
Delilah X World Ch. Goliath's Warrior Délano
Nancy Koper
canecorsonancy@outlook.it |